Taking Your Vehicle out of Winter Storage

After experiencing a long, cold, and snowy winter, classic car owners are itching for spring and eager to get their hobby cars out of storage and back on the road. For cars that have been stored for an extended period, certain precautions need to be taken before they are fired up for the first time after a long winter hibernation.

The top five tips for taking your vehicle out of winter storage are:

  1. Inspect Battery: The most important item to check is the condition of the car’s battery. Look at your maintainer to see that the battery is fully charged. When connecting the battery, check the cables and terminals for corrosion/oxidization and clean if necessary.
  2. Test Engine Oil: Pull the dipstick to see if there is adequate oil in the engine and add if needed. This oil is now old and should be changed at your earliest opportunity, even if you changed it just before storage.
  3. Cooling System: If the car was stored for more than a year, drain and refill the system using a name-brand antifreeze. Use a mixture of 30% to 50% antifreeze (no more than 50%). Check the hoses for cracks, especially around the clamps.
  4. Brake System: If the car has been sitting for an extended period, you should drain, flush, and refill the brake system. Bleed the brakes. Check operation at all wheels independently. The brakes should clamp down and release smoothly. Any problem detected needs to be corrected before the car is driven.
  5. Check Tires: Check tire pressure and correct as necessary to bring it to the suggested PSI rating indicated on the sidewall. Look for cracks and bulges in the rubber.

All Weather Shelters’ portable garages are ideal for storing your classic car. We offer a variety of easy-to-install portable garage kits in barn and peak styles in all sizes, from 10’ to 30’ wide. Our portable garages feature heavy-duty steel frames and triple polyethylene covers that can protect your car in all kinds of weather, including winter snow.

Call All Weather Shelters toll-free at 888-902-2003 for information on portable garage kits that will protect your classic car over the winter,and follow these helpful tips when you’re ready to fire it up and take it on the first spring run.

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